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view Leininger Ministries' Plan of Action
Thank you for the opportunity to share
with you what God has put on our hearts to share with anyone who
by God’s will, desires to listen. Let us introduce ourselves.
We are Jack and Renée Leininger—"The Leiningers".
God has given us this Music Ministry to share with people the fact
that He wants to have a wonderful, loving, personal relationship
with each and every creature He in His Love has placed on this earth
– even those who feel completely unworthy of Him (and no matter
where we’ve been)!
We would like to share what God has
brought us through, how He has taught us that we are NEVER alone,
and that although we sometimes turn our backs on Him -- He is always
waiting more closely by than some might think, for us to be His
friend (and child and sibling!).
We have both learned through our journeys,
that mere "religion" is not going to get anyone to heaven.
What we do and don't do doesn’t mean a thing without a Love/Trust
relationship with our Creator and Savior. If we just try to do the
right things, the outside may look great (at least at the “important”
times); but in truth we are clanging symbols and whiney violins
growing tired and bitter from all the work. Eventually that road
will lead us further from Christ, instead of closer to Him. We
must give up on trying to re-create ourselves in God’s
image and realize He’s the only one who can change the dead
into the living. When we start learning to trust Him to
do His work in His perfect time (perhaps in an instant, perhaps
over the next fifty years – that’s His business, and
He doesn’t make mistakes!) God teaches us how to love
and trust Him with a truly Saving Faith which will re-vitalize and
energize us all the way to the Pearly Gates!
When God miraculous wakes us from our
blind and deadly slumber, He doesn’t do it just for us! He
does it for the sake of His whole Kingdom (current and potential)
in Christ Jesus. Once we have experienced the incomparable Love
of our Creator first hand, we will encounter those who need to hear
the good news about God according to:
______________<<(Place your name
in the blank!)
If there is anyone in your church or
neighborhood who would benefit from our ministry, please contact
us right away! We’re open to singing:
- A song or two during your church service,
- At any special function you might have planned,
- A full concert at your church or in your local gathering place,
- For a friend or family member who appreciates singing visitors.
Our ministry is completely Faith based;
therefore we depend on your donations/love offerings and CD/Tape
purchases to perpetuate its continued service to God’s people.
Thank you for taking the time to read
about our ministry. We look forward to hearing from you:
- Main email:
- Renée’s email:
- Jack’s email:
If you would like to help support Leininger
Ministries, please click below to either purchase a CD/Tape or to
make a donation. Thanks!
Yours in Christ,
Jack & Renée
here to buy CD |
here to buy Tape |
here to make a donation |
here to preview CD/Tape
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