The Leiningers
Jack & Renée


Leininger Ministries' Plan of Action

  1. Priority 1 for Leininger Ministries is sharing God's message of hope, love, and peace, far and wide, any chance we get – we best serve that purpose through sharing music laced with a bit of testimony, so far.
  2. Priority 2 -- raise enough funds through donations, love offerings, CD and Tape sales, Concerts, Special Appearances, and other services, to acquire a location suitable for our Ministry’s four planned ventures:

    a) Build a studio that will be used for music writing/making/recording/producing – helping us to perpetuate Priority 1 endeavor.

    b) Expand facilities to open a Family/Clergy/Child (Bible/science based) Counseling Center. It will exist to counsel those described (Family/Clergy/Children) without regard for ability to pay (sliding scale – income and expenses considered – an affordable donation will be requested but not demanded), and with the understanding that ABSOLUTELY NO ONE, TURNING HUMBLY TO OTHER CHILDREN OF GOD FOR HELP IS BEYOND RECOVERY, and ABSOLUTELY NO ONE, TURNING HUMBLY TO OTHER CHILDREN OF GOD FOR HELP SHOULD BE TREATED AS LESS THAN AN EQUAL! – Counseling practices that will NOT be employed are statements such as “You shouldn’t be doing that. It’s against God’s will.” -- Any God fearing person or family seeking counseling knows why they’re seeking counseling!!

    c) Expand facilities to open a Science of (Bible/science based) Education Research. Its main drive is to revolutionize private and home schooling technology by developing and distributing education software. The goal is to create virtual learning environments that will decipher and cater to a precise set of learning needs based on an individual’s learning style, personality type, and personal levels of Spiritual/Social/Emotional/Physical/Mental health and development.

    d) Large scale, worldwide, evangelistic outreach utilizing discoveries and understandings uncovered by clinical research (conducted by counseling staff) and education research uncovered by education researchers and developers, and also songs inspired by said discoveries.

Credentials of Executive Director: I’m a motivated, visionary, child of God who wants to see our people become all they were intended to be, and doesn’t believe in financial boundaries. I am also a singer/songwriter, and have experience in ministry and emotional troubleshooting. God has shown me through life experience, what He wants this ministry to do, and has shown me that as long as I keep the ball rolling and trust in Him, He’ll provide and direct the ministry to the individuals who will fund the projects. I’m currently working on a Bachelor’s Degree in Business with an emphasis in enterprising/starting/running new businesses, and with Minor’s in both Music (especially studio-tech work, and professional composition) and Psychology. Education professionals have laughed as they asked how those studies all fit together, but have gotten very serious, interested, and inspired as I’ve explained it – I hope your reaction is similar. If the direction this ministry is taking is God’s will, which I’m convinced it is – I’m certain it will all come together with His help!

Credentials of Managing Director: Energetic, no-limits child of God with excellent professional experience in marketing, ministry, people networking, and web design/development. Has profound insights into relationships, and desires more than anything, to share those insights with anyone they can benefit. Is already an accomplished music writer, pianist, singer and flautist.

We currently have 4 candidates in mind for Director of Evangelistic Outreach. One is currently working on a Masters of Divinity, two are full time Ministers and Evangelists of God’s Grace, and the fourth is at a different church almost every weekend touching lives with an awesome testimony that ANYONE, by FAITH, can receive God’s anointing!

If you would like to help support Leininger Ministries, please click below to either purchase a CD/Tape or to make a donation. Thanks!

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